11th Commerce & Arts


Classes for Born a Baby like Care, Growth and Development. Understanding of the subject along with intelligence & creativity is the Education of one’s career. 

Course for watering the plants (Career) from root level. 



English,Hindi & Punjabi

Pattern of Study 

As per Board (PSEB & CBSE) 

Class Duration 

In Case Applicable Student attend class Particular Subject

--- 45 Mint Each Subject

Mock Test 

Concept wise Practice test on Exam pattern 


Excellent tutor`s with highly qualified 




Accountancy    :   Rs.800/-     Rs.6500/-

Economics          :   Rs.500/-     Rs.5000/-

Business Stu      :   Rs.500/-     Rs.5000/-

MOP                      :   Rs.400/-     Rs.4000/-

Combo (I + II)    :   Rs.1200/-     Rs.12000/-

Combo (All)       :   Rs.1500/-     Rs.15000/-


Accountancy     :   Rs.1000/-     Rs.9000/-

Economics           :   Rs.700/-     Rs.7000/-

Business Stu      :    Rs.700/-     Rs.7000/-

Combo (I + II)     :    Rs.1500/-     Rs.14500/-

Combo (All)        :   Rs.2000/-     Rs.20000/-



English     : Rs.500/-     Rs.5000/-

History         : Rs.500/-     Rs.5000/-

Pol Sci.   : Rs.500/-     Rs.5000/-

Economics       : Rs.600/-     Rs.5000/-

Any Two             :   Rs. 1000/-     Rs.10000/-

Any Three         :   Rs. 1200/-     Rs.12000/-

All                           :   Rs. 1500/-     Rs.15000/-


English       :   Rs.700/-     Rs.7000/-

History   :   Rs.700/-     Rs.7000/-

Pol Sci.          Rs.700/-     Rs.7000/-

Economics    :   Rs.700/-     Rs.7000/-

Any Two                 :   Rs. 1200/-     Rs.12000/-

Any Three             :   Rs. 1500/-     Rs.15000/-

All                               :   Rs. 2000/-     Rs.20000/-