Principal of a school instructing a teacher about the angngements of annual

Teacher: Ma’am you called me?

Principal: Yes sit down Mr.sinha.

Teacher: Thank you  ma'am

Principal: Mr. Shina this year i want you to take change of the annual day Celebrations you can take help from the other teachers and plan out everything.

Teacher: This is a very big responsibility thank you trusting me with it. I’ll do my best to make this year’s celebration the best one.

Principal: That’s exactly what i expect from you you have been handling all your duties very well and i’m sure you will do this with do this job with sincerity and determinations. 

Teacher  Rest assured  . i  will not  disappoint  you , ma,am  

Principal : Thank  you  Mr.  Sinhala  That” all the assurance i need  We only have  1  month left until   the  Annual  day  so you will have work  fast . Make  sure there is no mistake and everything on the list gets  checked off .

Teacher ; Sure ma,am . i will call upon meeting   today  to discuss the  important  agendas  and i will  assign  different  tasks  to  other teacher .

Principal : That’s good| Make  sure to send a special invitation to the  governor  of  our  state  to come  and  grace  thee the   chief  guest .


Teacher :  i”ii  keep it in mind  and   send the  invitation  soon .

Principal;  Me.Sinha,  this  years “ theme would be the  green  planet  and we will celebrate  all the  young  people in the  world  who are  working  towards  making this world a  better  place .

 Teacher:  That ‘ a  great  idea , ma'am |that  will surely encourage  our  students   to appreciate  such  effort  and their doers. 

 Principal:  You are absolutely correct | That's what I had in mind . Now you  can go back to you  class . You  can give me the  report  after  you  conduct  your meeting  and come  up with a work a work plan.

Teacher : Sure; ma’am\