Let’s see how rohan is going to be interviewed in this job interview .This 

 Rohan : May I come in , sir ?

Interviewer : Yes, Please come in .Please have a seat .

Rohan : Thank  you , sir.

Interview : How are you doing 

Rohan ; I’m doing fine sir, thank you 

Interview : So, tell me something about yourself?

Rohan : Sir,  My name is Rohan Kumar. I have done MBA from IIM Lucknow. Prior to that ,I had done Engineering from IIT  Roorkee .My strength is that I’m an empathetic person by nature .I love Photography which I pursue by traveling to different places. 

Interview : Great to hear that ! Which place did you travel to recently ?

Rohan : Sir ,Mussoorie.

Interviewer : What did you like the most about Mussoorie ? 

Rohan : Being a hill station,it’s amazingly beautiful .I went there last winter, the roads were fully covered with snow. I had  to trudge through it for sightseeing in this beautiful city, but it didn’t matter much to me. 

Interviewer: Was it your first time in Mussoorie ?

Rohan : Yes sir.

Interviewer : Rohan , where do you see yourself 5 years down the line ?

Rohan ; Sir,as I always try to perform the best in any work I'm assigned to , I see myself as a key player of the company I will be working for, at that  point of time.

Interview: : Great : what do you think is your weakness ?

Rohan : Sir, my  written English is good  , but my spoken  English needs improvement .Through ,I’ Working  on it. I'm sure that I'll  be able to speak English fluently in just a few months. I’ ve also subscribed to the “ Spoken English Guru “ YoUTube channel and am learning through its  videos .

Interview : Do You Really Think Watching Video Is Sufficient Enough ?

Rohan : No sir!I’ve also got English Wale .com English Speaking Book that I read every significant improvement in myself in the last couple of weeks.

Interview : Sounds cool! That's all for now .Please wait outside for the 

Rohan : Thank you , sir