Conversation between Receptionist and Ayansh on Gym joining

Receptionist: Hello sir, welcome to the “Ultimate Gym” How may i help you?

Ayansh: I want to join but first I would like to have a look inside.

Receptionist: Yeah, sure you can come inside.

Receptionist: How did you like the gym?

Ayansh: It is good who is the fitness trainer here?

Receptionist: Sir we have 5 trainers twoo for the morning batches and three for the evening.We do have to help our clients in lifting heavy weight and then re-racking the weight after use.

Ayansh: That’s great, I prefer to come at this time only, at 5 in the morning. Can you please make me meet the trainer?

Receptionist: Of course! Ashish is your fitness trainer. He will guide you through the workout routine and dietary plan. 

Fitness Trainer: Hi this is Ashish.

Ayansh: My name is Ayansh. I am planning to join this batch from tomorrow. I want to lose weight which I have put on in the last few years. 

Fitness Trainer: Have you ever worked out  before?

Ayansh: Yeah, I have worked out for about 7 years. It's just the last 2 years that I have been busy in my business so I couldn't work out. I want to resign.

Fitness Trainer: Sounds great!

Ayansh: But earlier, I used to exercise for building muscles, now I do it only for fitness.

Fitness Trainer: Once you join’ i will give you the complete workout and dietary plan that you need to strictly follow i would suggest you not to go for rigorous weight exercises every day: it’s cool for a day or two in a week. There would be moderate cardio and abs exercises too.

Ayansh: I’ll follow your guidance but i’ll avoid supplements for sure. I just want to have lean muscles, not really bulky.

Fitness Trainer: It's all up to you . However most protein supplements build one lean muscle only. People generally have a misconception that the supplements make one bulky: actually that happens with gainer.

Ayansh: Okay’ i give it a thought.

Fitness Trainer: See you tomorrow on the floor.

Ayansh: Sure, could you please tell me about the fee structure?

Fitness Trainer: You can ask the receptionist. She'll let you know.

Ayansh: Sure.

Receptionist: How is your trainer?

Ayansh: I Loved talking to him. Please tell me the fee structure?

Receptionist: Here is the manual mentioning all the packages we offer. Please go through it once.

Ayansh: I'll go for the monthly package first.

Receptionist: Sure.