Conversation between dad and son on India’s Independence…

Kamal: Papa, which movie is coming on TV? And who is this actor?

Father: Son, this movie is lagaan and the actor is Aamir Khan. he is currently one of the greatest artists in Bollywood.

Kamal: And why are the Britishers giving a command to Indians in this movie?

Father: Actually son, this movie is based on the story before independence. Our country used to be a slave to the British. Under the leadership of Gandhi ji and Pandit Nehru, we got independence in 1947.

Kamal: Did the British beat us before independence? Was there no freedom to roam freely?

Father: There were many  restrictions, Britishers were brutal and merciless towards Indians.

Kamal: Then how did we manage to throw the Britishers out?

Father: It took many years, sacrifices were made. Many greats sacrificed their lives for the country and dedicated their entire life towards the nation.

Kamal: Who played the major part in making the country achieve independence? 

Father: Every leader’s vigor and passion pushed the English backwards. But Gandhiji and Sardar Patel were among the few leaders who changed the face of India.

Kamal: How did they manage to make India independent?

Father: There were many protests, boycotts and hunger strikes. After all these, Britishers finally succumbed. But for independence many patriots lost their lives. 

Father: After so many struggles, on 15th August 1947, we became an independent nation and one part became Pakistan. India’s independence struggle is written with golden letters in the history books. Every Indian should know about it.

Kamal: Wow, papa ! You taught me lots of new things.

Father: Yes, and this was also important for you to know.

Kamal: Yes, papa.

Father: Okay now, let’s watch the movie.