Conversation between a salesman and a customer ( Buying an AC)......

Salesmen: Hello sir, welcome to our store.

Customer: Thank you.

Salesman: How may I help you sir.

Customer: I want to buy an air conditioner. Would you please help me?

Salesman: Sure sir is there any particular brand you are looking for?

Customer: Not really something worth!

Salesman:Sure sir are you already using an air conditioner?

Customer: Yeah I am using one but I am not satisfied with its performance.

Salesman: You should try the ABC air conditioner. It is in very high demand these days.

Customer: What is their offer?

Salesman: You will get a five-year warranty; 1 free service every 6 months. You have not to pay anything for installation either.

Customer: It sounds great.

Salesmen; Dir where do you want to install it ?

Customer: In my bedroom.

Salesmen: What is its measurement?

Customer: 10 by 12 ft. 

Salesman: Then 1.5 Tonne would be better.

Customer. How much is the difference between 1 Tonne and 1.5 Tonner?

Salesman: They both look alike.

Customer: I mean how much is the difference in pricing?

Salesman: Oh ! see ! Only Rs. 10000/- sir

Customer: So I think 1.5 Tonne will be ok.

Salesman: Do you want window AC? OR SPLIT?

Customer: Window.

Salesman: Great.

Customer: How much is the price?

Salesman: It will cost you around Rs. 45000/- including GST. 

Customer: And what about the stabilizer?

Salesmen: Is there a light fluctuation in your locality?

Customer: Yes it is. I need a stabilizer too that can step up the voltage from 90 volt.

Salesman: Sir, you’ll need to purchase it separately.

Customer: Don’t you have it?

Salesman: We do have sir, but it doesn’t step up from 90  volts.

Customer: No worries! I’ll buy it from somewhere else.

Salesman: How would you like to pay: By card or cash?

Customer: I want to pay by card.

Salesman: Sure,sir. Let’s complete the formalities and proceed further.

Customer: Sure.