Abook lover meeting her favorite author

Asha : Hi sir ! I’ m very happy that I finally  got to meet you .I’ m a huge fan of your. 

Author : It is very nice to meet you too .I like meeting people  who appreciate books  and authors .It shows how much  you love reading . 

Asha : Yes, I do love reading .I spend almost all  my  free time reading books .This  is one habit , I  am  really  proud  of. 

Author : Yes, you should  be proud  of it .Reading  helps a  person open their mind and question everything .They                                       

Asha : That is indeed true . I have been also to improve my writing and speaking skills because of the books that I read .They help me become better .They stop me from being prejudiced .

Author : What kind of books do you like to read the most ? 

Asha : Well , love almost all kinds of books .But my favorite would be the genre  of  mythological fiction .The adventures , the characters, the way of storytelling . everything excites . me .They change the way you think and the way  you see the world . 

Author : I’ me glad  I could  teach  you  something. 

Asha : You ‘ ve taught me a lot through your  books, but it was ea delight seeing you in person . 

Author : I had fun too .Keep up the habit of reading .