Q.1. What are accounting standards ?

Ans. Accounting stands are the guidelines issued by the accounting body for preparing financial statements.

Q.2. What do you mean by the double entry system ?

Ans. Double entry system is the system under which each transaction has double aspect debit as well as credit.

Q.3. Write any two advantages of the double entry system ?

Ans. (i) It enables us to keep a complete record of every business transaction.

(ii) It gives the result of business activities.

Q.4. Write any two features of accounting principles ?

Ans. (i) These principles are based on facts.

(ii) These are man made.

Q.5. What is the Business Entity Principle ?

Ans. Business entity means that the business is to be tested as a separate entity by itself independent of the owner's entity.

Q.6. What is the money measurement principle ?

Ans. The transactions of goods and services are measured in monetary units to record and report accounting information

Q.7. What is the Accounting period Principle ?  .

Ans. Some definite period is decided upon as an accountancy period which is usually a year of twelve months.

Q.8. What is the Full Disclosure Principle ?

Ans.  This principle specifies that there should be complete and full disclosure of all significant information relating to the economic activity and financial affairs of the  business enterprise.

Q.9. What is the Materiality Principle ?

Ans. All material information should be disclosed that is necessary to make financial statement clear

Q.10. What is prudence or conservation principle ?

Ans. It refers to the policy of playing safe by providing for all possible losses but not for the anticipated gains .

Q.11. What is the matching concept ?

Ans. Matching concept is based upon the accounting period postulate which implies recognition of revenue and expenses on a comparable basis to determine the profit or loss for a particular Accounting period.

Q.12. What is the Dual Aspect Principle ?

Ans. This implies that each and every business transaction has two aspects. It may be either :

(a)  Receiving the benefit and giving the benefit

(b)  Source of benefit and use of benefit and so on.

Q.13. What are the three basis of accounting systems ?

Ans. (a) Accrual Base (b) Cash Base © Hybrid Base.

Q.14. Give one distinction between cash basis and accrual based accounting system.

Ans. in a cash based accounting system true  picture of profit and loss is not given but in accrual base it is true profit and loss.

Q.15. What do you mean by cost concept ?

Ans. In this concept assets are recorded at purchase price not at market price.

Q.16. What do you meant by Hybrid System of accounting

Ans. It is a mixture of cash and accrual basis of the accounting system.

Q.17. What is meant by the concept of concern ?

Ans. It means that business will continue to exist in the long run.

Q.18. State any one cause of developing accounting Stands ?

Ans. To avoid manipulations in accounting data. 


Ans.  1.  Going concern  2. Joint Venture  3. Conservatism  4. Credit  5. Accounting  Equation 


Ans. 1. True  2. False  3. True  4. False  5. True  6. False  7. True  8. False  9. True  10. True 



2. ‘The proprietor of the business is treated as a creditor of the business’. This followed under which concept ?


3. According to the Accounting Cycle which accounts are made after the Journal .


4. Which of the following will he record in the books according to money measurement concepts ?


5. As per Income Tax act accounting Period is


6. As fer Dual Aspect Concept


7. Accrual concept is based on


8. According to which concept the same accounting methods should be used each year


9. Income is measured on the basis of

Ans. 1. D    2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A .