VS Financial Statement( Without Adjustment)


Q.1. What is a  Financial Statement ?

Ans. financial statements are organized summary of detailed information about the Financial position and performance of enterprise.

Q.2. What is a Trading Account ?

Ans. Trading Account is a part of income statement. It is a nominal account and i prepared to assets gross profit or gross lo of a business enterprise during an accounting yaar. 


Q.3. What is a Profit and Loss Account?

Ans. A profit and loss account is an account in which all gains and loss are collected in order to ascertain the excess of gains over the vice versa.

Q.4. Give a formula to calculate Cost of Goods Sold’.

Ans. Cost of Goods Sold = Sales - Gross Profit Or Opening stock + Purchase + Direct Expenses - Cloning stock.

Q.5. Name any two current et?

Ans. Cash, Debtors.

Q.6. What accounts are  prepared under a financial statement ?

 Ans. Trading a/c profit & loss a/c Balance Sheet 

Q.7. Write one object to prepare final accounts

Ans. To find out the profit or loss of a business.

Q.8. What is COGS?

Ans. It is the cost of acquiring the goods for sale.

Q.9. What is the need for preparing trading a/c.

Ans. To find gross  profit or gross loss.

Q.10. Statement one difference between Trading a/c Profit and Loss a/c

Ans Gross profit i revealed by Trading a/c where s net profit is revealed by profit and loss a/c

Q.11. Name any two direct expenses.

Ans. 1. Wages 2. Carriage

Q.12. State one difference between Trading a/c and Profit and Loss a/c

Ans. An error in a Trading account will affect P/L a/c where as error P/L a/c has no effect on Trading a/c.

Q.13. What is a Balance Sheet ? 

Ans. Balance Sheet is a statement of position of assets and liabilities on a particular point of time. 

Q.14. Write on a feature of the Balance Sheet?

Ans. It is a document.

Q.15. State one similarity between Trial  Balance and Balance Sheet

Ans. Both are prepared on a particular date.

Q.16. Where Balance in input IGST Account will be shown?

Ans. Balance of input IGST shown in the asset side of the Balance Sheet

Q.17. Where Balance  in output CGST Account will be shown?

Ans. It i shown in the liabilities side of the Balance Sheet

Q.18. Profit and Loss Account shows the financial  Position of the enterprise ? Do you agree?

Ans. No. It doesn't show the financial position of the enterprise.

Q.19. What is  meant by Marshalling of Assets and Liabilities? 

Ans. Marshaling is the arrangement of assets and liabilities in the balance sheet.

(i) In order of liquidity.

(ii) In order of permanence.

Q..20. “Under” the liquidity approach assets which are not liquid are presented at the top of the balance sheet Do you agree?

Ans. Yes.

Q.21. “T’ From presentation of financial Statement is known a Horizontal Form or Vertical Form ?

Ans. Horizontal Form.

Q.22. Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet always represents Credit balance. Do you agree?

Ans. Yes.


Ans. 1. Nominal  2. Trading  3. Liabilities  4. Drawings  5. Trial balance  6. Income  7. Trading  8. Debit  9. Net profit /Net loss  10. Machinery Account


Ans. 1. True  2. True  3. False  4. False  5. True  6. False  7. False 8. False  9. True  10. False  11. False  12. False  13.  True  14. False  15. False  16. False  17. True  18. false . 


A balance Sheet depicts financial position of a firm : 

For a year 

For a given period

On a particular point of time 

On a certain date

2. Stock in trade is 

A fixed asset

An intangible asset

A current asset 

A Fictitious

3. If closing stock is shown in trial balance them  it is transferred to : 

P & L  account 

Balance Sheet 

Trading A/c

Trading a/c and Balance Sheet

4. Profit and Loss a/c is prepared to know

Financial  position of business 

Balance of all accounts 

Profit earned by business  

None of these 

5. Goodwill i a type of 

Intangible asset

Current asset

Tangible asset 

Fixed asset

6. The  purpose of preparing final accounts is to ascertains 

Profit or Loss


The value of assets 

Profits or loss and financial position

7. Final account are prepared

Ar the end of calendar  year

At the end of assessment year

On every Diwali 

At the end of Accounting yr

8. Salaries and Wages appearing in Trial balance  is shown : 

On the debit side of trading A/c

On the debit side of P & L A/c

On the Assets side of Balance sheet 

On the Liabilities side of Balance Sheet 

9. Balance of petty Cash is 





10. Schedule of balance prepared from Ledger accounts is known a

Balance sheet

Trial balance 

Statement of account 

Statement of affairs

11. Computer owned by a firm as classified as 

Tangible asset

Current asset

Liquid asset

Intangible assets 

12. Loss on sale of an old car is debited to : 

Profit & loss account

Car account 

Depreciation account 

Trading account

13. Sales are equal 

Cot of good sold + gross profit

Cost of good sold - gross profit

Gross Profit - Cost of good sold 

Purchase + Gross Profit 

14. Income Tax paid by a sole trader is known 

On the debit side of Trading Account 

On the debit side of the Profit & Loss Account 

As deduction from capital in the balance Sheet

As deduction to capital in the Balance Sheet 

15. Return Inward in the trial balance is deducted from 



Return Outward

Gross Profit 

16. Which type of expenses out of the following are shown in Trading Account. 

Direct Expenses

Indirect Expenses

Opening Expenses 

Direct and Indirect Expenses

17. Closing Stock shown inside the Trial Balance is shown in 

Trading Account 

Profit & Loss Account 

Balance Sheet 

None of these

18. Which of the following is not in the Balance Sheet ?

Opening Stock 

Closing Stock 



Ans. 1. C  2. C  3. B  4. C  5. A  6. D  7. D  8. B  9. D  10. B  11. A  12. A  13. A  14. C  15. B  16. A  17. C  18. A .