Financial Statement (With Adjustment)


Q.1. What do you mean by outstanding expenses ?

Ans. all those expenses which are due for payment but not paid in an accounting period.

Q.2. What are prepaid expenses ?

Ans. such expenses which are ready paid before the actual time of their payment.

Q.3. What are bad debts ?

Ans. Bad debts are irrecoverable debts from customers due to death insolvency dishonesty or other reason.

Q.4. What is Accrued Income ?

Ans. These are those incomes which have been earned during the year but not received till the end of the year.

Q.5. accrued income and income due but not received are same Do you agree ?

Ans. yes. 

Q.6. give two examples of revenue expenditure.

Ans. (i) Purchase of Goods 

(ii) salary 

Q.7. give an example of capital expenditure treated as revenue expenditure 

Ans. wages include rs.5000 spent on the installation of a new machine.

Q.8. the cost of obtaining a license to carry out business is a capital expenditure  or Revenue Expenditure ?

Ans. capital Expenditure because it is taken only at the time of starting a business.

Q.9. What is income received in advance ?

Ans. These incomes are received during the trading period but are to be earthed in future.

 Q.10. What is Depreciation ? 

Ans. depreciation is the value of fixed assets that diminishes gradually with their use.

Q.11. What is the provision for Bad debts ?

Ans. provision for bad debts is an attempt to anticipate  possible losses due to bad debts and keep aside an amount against the profit to meet loss.

Q.12. What is abnormal loss of Stock ?

Ans. it is that part of stock which is lost or destroyed due to an accident.

Q.13. What journal entry will be passed for outstanding expenses ?

Ans. expenses A/c Dr. 

To outstanding  Expenses 

Q.14. Give an example of prepaid expenses ?

Ans. rent for 6 months paid in advance.

Q.15. Why is the Input GST (CGST and SGST or IGST) Account credited when the proprietor takes the goods for personal use ?

Ans. It is a creditor because GST credit is allowed only when goods are sold. Goods taken by proprietors are not a sale but drawings.

Q.16. What is meant by adjusted purchases?

Ans. Adjusted Purchases means Opening Stock is added to purchases while closing stock is deducted. In other words we can say that entry for closing stock is passed in the books of account

Q.17. if both Adjusted Purchases and Closing Stock are given in the Trial Balance where are the two accounts shown in the Final Accounts?

Ans. Adjusted Purchases are shown in the Trading Account on the debit side. Closing Stock is shown on the assets side of the Balance Sheet under the main head Current Assets


Ans. 1. Personal  2. Credit  3. Balance Sheet  4. Two  5. Deducted  6. Capital  7. Credit .


Ans. 1. False  2. True  3. False  4. True  5. False  6. False  7. False. 8. True  9. True  10. True  11. True  12. False  13. True  14. True.


The manager is entitled to a commission of 5% on profit of Rs. 4,2000 after charging such commission The amount of commission will be. 





2. Closing Stock is credited to : 

Trading a/c 

P/L a/c 

Goods a/c

Balance Sheet

3. Accrued income is treated as : 





4. Outstanding expense will also shown as : 





5. If closing stock is adjusted or shown in trial balance only then it will transfer only to.

Trading a/c

Asset side of Balance Sheet

Liability side of balance sheet 

Both  a and c

6. Types of Account shown in Balance Sheet are

Nominal and Personal

Real and Nominal

Real and Personal 

Real Nominal and Personal 

7. Net Profit before the following adjustment : Rs. 200,000

Outstanding salary 10,000

Prepaid insurance  13,000





8. Closing stock is shown in Financial Statement at

Cost Price

Realizable value 

Coat price or Realizable Value whichever is greater

Cost price or Realizable Value whichever is less

9. Heavy amount spent for the advertisement of new company product is

Revenue Expenditure

Deferred Revenue Expenditure Expenditure

Capital Expenditure 

None of the above

10. Income tax in case of sole trader is treated as 

Personal expenses

Debtors expenses

Business expenses

None of the above

11. Adjustments given are record in Trading and Profit 7 Loss Account and again in Balance Sheet it is so because of ;

Matching Principle

Dual Aspect Principle

Accrual Concept 

Materiality Principle 

12. Expenses incurred but not yet paid are accounted because of ;

Matching Principle

Dual Aspect Principle 

Accrual Concept 

Materiality Principle

13. Wags paid for installation of machine is added to cost of machine because of 

Accrual Concept

Matching Principle

Materiality Principle 

Cost Principle

14. Indirect Expenses are transferred to 

Trading Account 

Profit & LOss Account

Balance Sheet 

Trading Account &  Balance Sheet

15. Income received in advance is deducted from income because of: 

Revenue Recognition concept 

Accrual concept

Matching Sheet

Prudence Concept

16. Balance Sheet is prepared to know

Financial Performance 

Financial Position 

Liabilities Position 

Assets Position

Ans. 1. A  2. A  3. A  4. C  5. B  6. C  7. B  8. D  9. B  10. A  11. B  12. C  13. C  14. B  15. B  16. B .